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暴雪公开《暗黑破坏神2 狱火重生》炸服原因

Blizzard announces the reasons for the bombing of Diablo 2 prison fire rebirth

2021-10-15 11:27:30来源: 游戏时光

《暗黑破坏神2 狱火重生》近期遭遇了大规模的服务器连接问题,今天暴雪在官方论坛发表了一篇博文,详细介绍了造成问题的原因,简单来说大致上是「老机制适应不了新时代玩家的玩法」。根据博文描述,本作出现「炸服」问题的原因非常复杂,由多个因素组合而成,具体提炼如下(以下时间均为太平洋时间):在问题爆发前,官方刚好更新了一个让玩家新建房间更方便快捷的补丁服务器遇到了前所未有的流量压力,同时在线的玩家人数比游戏首发时还高得多,造成数据库过载游戏沿用了原版的许多旧代码,保留了原版的服务器交互机制,但暴雪没想到它会不适应新时代玩家的游玩方式。2001 年原版最火爆的时候,网上几乎没有任何攻略,多数玩家只懂得慢慢刷,但今天玩家们随便就能找到最优的刷图方法玩家们短时间内重复新建房间退出再新建的刷刷刷方式(每 20 秒进出一次),加剧

Diablo 2 prison fire rebirth recently encountered a large-scale server connection problem. Today, Blizzard published a blog on the official forum to introduce in detail the causes of the problem. In short, it is generally that "the old mechanism can not adapt to the playing methods of players in the new era". According to the blog, the reason for the "fried suit" problem in this work is very complex, which is a combination of multiple factors. The details are as follows (the following times are Pacific time): before the problem broke out, the official just updated a supplement server that makes it easier and faster for players to build new rooms, and encountered unprecedented traffic pressure, At the same time, the number of online players is much higher than when the game was launched, resulting in database overload. The game uses many old codes of the original and retains the original server interaction mechanism, but Blizzard did not expect that it would not adapt to the way players play in the new era. When the original version was the most popular in 2001, there were almost no strategies on the Internet. Most players only know how to brush slowly, but today players can easily find the best painting method. Players can repeat the new room in a short time and exit the new painting method (once in and out every 20 seconds)

标签: 暴雪