新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暗影火炬城》19分钟PS5实机演示:用钻头战斗吧


Shadow torch city 19 minute ps5 live demonstration: fight with a drill

2021-08-27 10:00:13来源: 游戏时光

IGN 在今日公开了银河恶魔城类动作游戏《暗影火炬城》的 19 分钟实机演示,详细展示了使用钻头战斗的内容,结尾还有个小惊喜。演示如下,为普通话配音(个别 NPC 还有口音):视频地址《暗影火炬城》将于 9 月 7 日登陆 PS5/PS4 平台,PC 版发售日暂未确定。

Ign today released a 19 minute live demonstration of the galaxy demon city action game shadow torch City, which showed the content of fighting with drill bits in detail. There was a little surprise at the end. The demonstration is as follows: dubbing in Mandarin (some NPCs also have Accents): the video address "shadow torch city" will land on ps5 / PS4 platform on September 7, and the sales date of PC version has not been determined yet.

标签: PS