新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】三年后,这款鲜为人知的独立游戏重新发售


[welfare] three years later, this little-known independent game was re released

2021-08-27 10:00:00来源: 游戏时光

三年前,一款名为《Inked》的独立游戏出现在 Steam 商店,简约的钢笔手绘美术风格,标准几何图形构成的世界,是令其脱颖而出的特别之处。玩家扮演一名侠客,持笔解开谜题,拯救被困的爱人,还要提防高维度双手的突袭。但这些原本充满创意的设计,并没有被太多人看见 —— 由于定价宣发等各种方面的问题,原版《Inked》被淹没在 Steam 海量的独立游戏中,截止现在也仅有不到 80 条玩家评测。一年前,开发商 Somnium Games d.o.o. 宣布与新的发行商 Pixmain 达成合作,将重新在 Steam 平台发行本作,并且会在原作的基础上,根据玩家的意见进行改良与强化。全新版本的游戏定名为《洇客》(Inked: A Tale of Love),将于 8 月 27 日上架,替代原版《Inked》,游戏还会在

Three years ago, an independent game named "inked" appeared in steam store. The simple pen hand-painted art style and the world composed of standard geometry make it stand out. Players play a Xiake, solve puzzles with a pen, save trapped lovers, and beware of high-dimensional two handed raids. However, these original creative designs have not been seen by many people - due to problems in pricing, publicity and other aspects, the original inked has been submerged in steam's massive independent games, and there are only less than 80 player reviews so far. A year ago, the developer Somnium games d.o.o. announced that it had reached a cooperation with the new publisher pixmain to re distribute the work on the steam platform, and would improve and strengthen it on the basis of the original work and according to the opinions of players. The new version of the game, named "inked: a tale of love", will go on the shelves on August 27 to replace the original "inked", and the game will be on the Internet again

标签: 游戏