新关注 > 信息聚合 > 路透社新闻学研究所:WhatsApp在部分国家成为主要新闻传播平台


Reuters journalism Institute: WhatsApp has become the main news and communication platform in some countries

2017-06-27 09:03:09来源: DoNews

DoNews6月27日消息 (记者 费倩文)Facebook在2014年以210亿美元收购了即使通信应用WhatsApp,但似乎正是因为此次收购,Facebook在许多市场中作为主要新闻传播源的地位正在下降。根据路透新闻学研究所的报告,他们调查了36个不同国家的71805名用户,调查结果显示,超过一半的国家Facebook作为主要新闻源的地位正在下降。尽管如此,仍有47%的受调查者表示他们仍然会使用Facebok了解全球以及当地发生的新闻。至于WhatsApp的数据,尽管总体只有15%的受调查者表示他们用WhatsApp来了解新闻,但是在某些国家和区域WhatsApp的占比异常的高。比如在马来...

DoNews6 27 news (reporter Fei Qianwen) Facebook in 2014 to $21 billion acquisition even if the communication application of WhatsApp, but it seems that it is because of this acquisition, Facebook as the main source of news dissemination in many market position is declining. According to the Reuters journalism Institute, which surveyed 71805 users in 36 different countries, the survey shows that more than half of the country's Facebook is declining as a major source of news. Still, 47% of respondents said they would still use Facebok to learn about global and local news. As for WhatsApp's data, although only 15% of respondents in the survey say they use WhatsApp for news, there is a high percentage of WhatsApp in some countries and regions. For example, in malaysia...

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