新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏女神陈雨涵参演某APP网络剧变身果酱女孩


In a APP network game the goddess Chen Yuhan drama turned jam girl

2015-02-10 21:14:43来源: 新浪

史上最无厘头最逗比搞笑的网络室内情景节目《APP大爆炸》第十期已正式见面,节目以手机APP为核心内容,力邀国内一线主持人和新生代偶像加盟,用情景剧的方式,互联网的热语潮词,媒体的视角和立场,与网友一同挖掘和分享APP带来的精彩生活。 本期节目4B公寓租客马克携手陈雨涵开始了新春的逗比...

history of the most funny than indoor scene Wulitou network show "funny APP Big Bang" phase tenth has been officially meet, shows to mobile phone APP as the core content, invited the domestic first-line host and new generation idol franchise, with the sitcom way, heat language the term Internet, media perspective and position, together with mining and netizen and share APP brought wonderful life. This episode 4B apartment tenants Mark to Chen Yuhan began to tease than spring...

标签: 游戏 APP