新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国AppStore游戏死亡率达81% 全球居于领先

中国AppStore游戏死亡率达81% 全球居于领先

AppStore mortality reached 81% in the game China global analysis of business adjust latest report "The Undead App Store Thecourse for discoveryin 2015" statistics the number of applications which consumers essentially has been unable to see the leading

2015-02-02 15:21:01来源: 07073游戏网

应用分析商adjust最新报告书“The Undead App Store Thecourse for discoveryin 2015”统计了哪些消费者实质上已经无法看到的应用数量,并将其称为“僵尸应用zombie apps”。报告显示,AppStore中僵尸化的应用从去年一月的74%...

application, and referred to as "zombie using zombie apps". The report shows, the application of AppStore in the zombies from last year January 74%...

标签: 游戏 PS APP