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Webpage game to help you get along well with dragons in troubled times "assistant"

2015-02-03 11:45:03来源: 07073游戏网

想成为《真龙乱世》中最悠闲的霸主吗?网页游戏小助手,让你的鼠标随心所欲"点"石成金!玩游戏,抢购···快的根本停不下来! 《真龙乱世》是一款以三国武将为背景的ARPG类型游戏,在三国乱世中展开,每一位玩家将结识不同的三国名将一同征战天下。可以收集不同名将使用其特定的无双技能,改写三国...

wants to become "the dragon" in troubled times the most leisurely overlord? Webpage game helper, let your mouse arbitrary "point" Shi Chengjin! Play games, panic buying, fast can't stop! "The dragon" is a troubled times in the three generals as the background of the ARPG type game, launched in the three troubled times, each game player will meet different countries who battle the world together. Can collect different name will use its specific unique skills, rewrite the the three kingdoms...

标签: 游戏