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App Store上线一大批主题秀 欢迎对号入座

App Store on the line of a large number of theme show welcome Apple App Store seats

2015-03-02 18:17:42来源: 新浪

最近的苹果应用商店有点意思,搞了很多专题,把同一主题的游戏集结成集进行推荐。比如,精彩独立游戏、猫咪游戏等,都上了app store的大图推荐位。在下面的小图推荐中,你会发现主题划分得更为细致,比如吸血鬼游戏、忍者游戏、趣味物理游戏、电影衍生游戏、像素风游戏等等。 各种按照主题推荐的游...

recent interesting, do a lot of topics, the same theme game assembled into a set of recommended. For example, wonderful independent game, cat game, are on the app recommendation store. A small figure in the following recommendations, you'll find out topic partition is more detailed, such as the vampire game, ninja games, interesting physics game, movie derivative games, pixel wind games and so on. All in accordance with the recommended travel theme...

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