新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小号杀手!暴雪官方祝贺霍格取得25万荣誉击杀


Trumpet killer! Blizzard congratulated Hoge won 250000 honorable kills

2015-03-02 17:14:37来源: 17173

今日,《魔兽世界》的官方推特发布了一则比较有趣的消息,祝贺有“联盟小号杀手”之称的霍格取得25万荣誉击杀的成就。 虽然很多联盟玩家都被他杀过,但是得知霍格在今天取得成就后,不少玩家还是冰释前嫌,纷纷发来了祝贺,希望他再接再厉,继续击杀更多的小号(诶,你们是部落的吧)。 关于霍格 ...

today, "the official World of Warcraft" push special issued a more interesting news, Congratulations "alliance trumpet killer" known as Hoge made 250000 honorable kills achievement. Although many league game player is he killed, but that Hoge succeed in today, many game player or animosity, have sent congratulations, hope he make persistent efforts, continue to kill more trumpet (ah, you are a tribe.). About Hoge...

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