新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017中国城际物流创新发展论坛在上海举办


2017 China inter city logistics innovation and development forum held in Shanghai

2017-04-21 04:42:15来源: 中国新闻网

中新网上海4月20日电 (廖敏佳)4月20日,2017中国城际物流创新发展论坛暨新乘龙M3全国上市发布仪式在上海举办,东风柳州汽车有限公司在行业内率先推出“共享卡车”,创新性地将“智能互联+客户体验...

Shanghai Beijing, April 20, April 20th 2017 (Liao Minjia), China intercity Logistics Innovation Development Forum and the new lapras M3 listed on the national release ceremony held in Shanghai, Liuzhou Dongfeng Automobile Co. Ltd. pioneered in the industry "sharing truck", innovativelinked smart Internet + customer experience...