在 PC 端大受好评、荣获 2019 年 indiePlay 最佳游戏等诸多奖项的 Roguelike 横版动作游戏——《节奏快打》今日(9 月 30 日)正式上线 iOS 和 TapTap。游戏原价 18 元,首周优惠价 12 元,之后将恢复原价,喜欢肉鸽音乐类游戏的朋友请不要错过。《节奏快打》是一款结合了横版动作闯关与节奏元素的游戏。在游戏中,你需要踩准节拍,拳拳到肉,在跟随音乐战斗的同时,还要注意走位、翻滚、击飞、连击……与强大的对手刚正面,打出你的招牌连招。踩着节拍,感受横版动作的打击感,让你在手掌之中也能畅享“云蹦迪”的快感。在游戏中,玩家将被传输到远古的拍拍星球,在一位神秘男子“狄哥”的帮助下,扮演不同能力的英
In & amp; nbsp; The roguelike horizontal action game, which has been highly praised on the PC side and won many awards such as the best game in indieplay in 2019, is officially launched today (September & amp; nbsp; 30 & amp; nbsp;) & amp; nbsp; iOS& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; TapTap。 The original price of the game is 18 yuan, and the first week's preferential price & amp; nbsp; 12& nbsp; Yuan, and then the original price will be restored. Friends who like meat pigeon music games please don't miss it. "Fast beat" is a game that combines horizontal version action breakthrough and rhythm elements. In the game, you need to step on the beat and punch to the meat. While fighting with the music, you should also pay attention to walking, tumbling, flying and combo... Just face your powerful opponent and play your signature combo. Step on the beat and feel the strike of the horizontal version of the action, so that you can enjoy the pleasure of "cloud jumping" in the palm of your hand. In the game, players will be transferred to the ancient patting planet and play English with different abilities with the help of a mysterious man "Digo"