新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox曾尝试让第一方3A作品直接登陆iOS平台


Xbox has tried to let the first party's 3A works directly log into the IOS platform

2021-12-12 09:36:43来源: 游戏时光

前段时间,Epic VS 苹果事件沸沸扬扬,我们甚至还从其中知道了很多有趣的信息,比如苹果在游戏上赚的钱,比主机御三家和动视加起来还要多。而近日根据外媒报道,微软曾在私下与苹果商量,愿意以“让 Xbox 3A 级第一方独占游戏在 iOS 平台独立运行”为筹码,换取 Xbox 云游戏服务原生登陆 iOS 平台。如果谈判成功,那么现在我们或许可以在 App Store 单独购买《光环 无限》并正常启动,而非通过网页版的 Xbox 云游戏服务游玩。而谈判失败的原因,或许是因为彼时苹果方面对 Xbox Game Pass 这种订阅制服务,以及云游戏服务本身非常敏感。对此,微软与苹果方面各执一词:微软方面表示,为了确保用户在 iOS 平台的 Xbox 服务体验,他们进行了大量技术探索,最终提供了尽可能满足双方要求与利益的

Some time ago, the epic vs. apple incident was very popular, and we even learned a lot of interesting information from it. For example, apple made more money in games than the console royal family and Activision combined. Recently, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft has privately discussed with apple that it is willing to "let the Xbox 3A first party exclusive games run independently on the IOS platform" as a chip in exchange for the native login of Xbox cloud game services on the IOS platform. If the negotiation succeeds, now we may be able to purchase halo infinite separately in the app store and start it normally, instead of playing through the Xbox cloud game service on the web. The reason for the failure of the negotiation may be that at that time, Apple was very sensitive to subscription services such as Xbox game pass and the cloud game service itself. In this regard, Microsoft and apple have their own opinions: Microsoft said that in order to ensure users' Xbox service experience on the IOS platform, they have conducted a lot of technical exploration, and finally provided services that meet the requirements and interests of both sides as much as possible

标签: Xbox iOS