新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东连夜下架部分奢侈品包袋图片 原因或是太淳朴

京东连夜下架部分奢侈品包袋图片 原因或是太淳朴

Jingdong overnight shelves luxury bags pictures cause parts or too simple

2017-06-08 00:56:43来源: 新浪

原标题:京东连夜下架“土模”奢侈品包袋图片 所谓“土模图”,指的就是“一看就知道是随手拉了个办公室小妹/大妈到会议室里用卡片机随便拍拍出来的模特图”,不仅土得质朴敦厚,更自带萌点。这些极具杀伤力...

The original title: jingdong overnight from the shelves "soil modulus" luxury bags picture So-called "soil modulus figure", means "a see will know that is conveniently pull a kid sister office/aunt to the conference room to use the card machine on the model figure", not only soil plain and gentle, more bring of points. These highly lethal...

标签: 京东