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Steam sales weekly list: fate 2 "evil ghost" topped the list with a bundle of big bags

2021-08-30 09:10:24来源: 游戏时光

新一周(8.23~8.29)的 Steam 销量榜出炉,《命运2》下一个资料片内容“邪姬魅影”即将在 2022 年 2 月 23 日推出,官方公布了最新预告片,目前该 DLC 已在 Steam 上预售,“邪姬魅影”豪华版 + Bungie 30 周年纪念组合包也一举登上销量榜榜首,《命运2》传说收藏版也登上了第十位。 位于第二的是 Cold Iron 工作室开发的三人合作射击游戏《异形:火力小队》,本作延续了“异形”电影剧情的 23 年后,游戏中将出现 11 种不同形态的异形,供玩家和另外两名好友一起狩猎。位于第四的同样是上周新发售的游戏,Double Fine 开发的动作冒险解谜游戏《脑航员2》现已发售。 上上周第一的 4X 策略游戏《人类》这周下滑至第五位。 本周 Steam 销量

The steam sales list in the new week (August 23 ~ August 29) is released. The next expansion of Destiny 2, "the phantom of evil Ji", will be launched on February 23, 2022. The latest trailer has been officially announced. At present, the DLC has been pre sold on steam, and the "phantom of evil Ji" luxury version + Bungie 30th anniversary portfolio has also ranked first in the sales list, The legend Collection Edition of Destiny 2 also ranked 10th.

标签: Steam