新关注 > 信息聚合 > 据第三方统计,《迷失》已成为Steam今年评分最高新作


According to third-party statistics, "lost" has become steam's new work with the highest score this year

2022-07-26 10:49:39来源: 游戏时光

根据第三方网站 Steam250 经过加权统计的数据显示,由 Blue Twelve 开发的猫咪冒险游戏《迷失》已经超越了《战神》成为今年 Steam 上用户评分最高的游戏。 目前,《迷失》的得分是 8.61 分,在 42665 张投票中,好评的票数占到了 98%。这将《战神》(2018)挤到了第二位,(8.56 分),让《迷失》成为了 2022 年发布的所有游戏中的评分最高的游戏。 Steam250 历史作品排行榜排名第一的游戏是《传送门2》,评分为 8.83 分。 《迷失》在本月初发布时就打破了 Annapurna

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the third party website & nbsp; Steam250& nbsp; According to the weighted statistics, the cat adventure game "lost" developed by blue twelve has surpassed "God of war" and become the game with the highest user rating on steam this year& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; At present, the score of "lost" is 8.61. Among the 42665 votes, the number of favorable votes accounts for 98%. This pushed God of War (2018) to second place (8.56 points), making lost the highest scoring game of all games released in 2022& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The first game on the steam250 historical works list is Portal 2, with a score of 8.83& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Lost" broke Annapurna when it was released earlier this month

标签: Steam