新关注 > 信息聚合 > 策略战棋游戏《风色幻想》系列现已上架Steam


Strategic chess game "wind fantasy" series is now on the shelves, steam

2022-08-01 11:12:20来源: 游戏时光

台湾弘煜科技旗下 PC 平台战棋 RPG 游戏系列《风色幻想》已开启 Steam 商店平台,预计将于 8 月 9 日发售,包含系列全 8 款正作。《风色幻想》弘煜科技于 1999 年发行的架空幻想背景战旗 RPG 游戏,故事讲述人类利用创世之法“菲利斯多”击败了守护自己的命运三女神,而这场大逆不道的战争几乎完全摧毁了人类文明,但最终人们打倒了掌管人类所有命运的女神,开创了完全属于自己的时代,故事就在千年之后正式开始。官方此前宣布系列第二作《风色幻想SP 封神之刻》,也就是系列人气最高一部作品也将于 2022 年内推出重制版。来源:Steam商店页面

Taiwan Hongyu technology's PC platform Zhanqi RPG game series "wind fantasy" has opened the steam store platform, which is expected to be sold on August 9, including all 8 works of the series. "Wind fantasy" is an RPG game with aerial fantasy background issued by Hongyu technology in 1999. The story tells that human beings used the method of creation "felisto" to defeat the three goddesses who protect their own destiny, and this treacherous war almost completely destroyed human civilization, but in the end, people knocked down the goddesses who are in charge of all human destiny and created their own era. The story officially began thousands of years later. The official previously announced that the second work of the series, the moment of SP apotheosis, which is the most popular work of the series, will also be reprinted in 2022. Source: steam store page

标签: Steam 游戏