新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】《维斯塔利亚传说2》现已在Steam平台发售


[benefits] The Legend of vestalia 2 is now on sale on steam platform

2022-07-28 16:35:22来源: 游戏时光

战棋游戏《维斯塔利亚传说2:希尔瓦比西之圣剑》于今日正式在 STEAM 平台发售,支持中文,售价 70 元。商店页:传送门。视频地址游戏介绍:《维斯塔利亚传说2:希尔瓦比西之圣剑》继续围绕着初代主角塞特的冒险展开。他将会和老搭档和新伙伴们并肩作战,揭开隐藏在马格尔帝国背后的更多秘密,以及他们意图将维斯塔利亚大陆推入黑暗纪元的邪恶计划。本作是一款回归本源的战棋游戏,站位、移动、装备都需要玩家深思熟虑。在寸土必争的战场上,调遣角色对阵海盗、叛军、魔物、帝国军队以及任何挡前进之路上的敌人。游戏上架 steam 平台,加入了全新乐曲,增加了游戏周目通关奖励,在战斗回合中支持手动或自动保存进度,并增加了一个全新难度。该难度做了专门的平衡调整,增加了新道具、新型状态增益、新技能和其他全新内容。故事背景:索尔维亚帝国外交官搭

The chess game "the legend of vestalia 2: the holy sword of silvabisi" was officially released on steam platform today. It supports Chinese and costs 70 yuan. Store page: portal. Video address game introduction: The Legend of vestalia 2: the holy sword of silvabisi continues to revolve around the adventures of the original protagonist Seth. He will fight side by side with his old and new partners to uncover more secrets hidden behind the Magdalene Empire and their evil plan to push the continent of vestria into the dark era. This is a return to the origin of the war chess game, standing, moving, equipment need players to think carefully. On the battlefield where every inch of land must be fought, the characters are dispatched to fight against pirates, rebels, demons, Imperial troops and any enemies blocking the way forward. On the steam platform of the game, new music is added, the game's weekly goal clearance reward is increased, the progress can be saved manually or automatically in the battle round, and a new difficulty is added. The difficulty has been specially balanced, adding new props, new state gains, new skills and other new contents. Story background: diplomats of the solvia Empire

标签: Steam