新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《异度神剑3》有奖活动:弥央的日记簿


Award winning activity of Yidu sword 3: Miyang's Diary

2022-07-28 15:34:04来源: 游戏时光

《异度神剑3》女主角「弥央」,性格非常认真,对自己的敏捷性很有信心,大概能 7 秒多跑完 100 米。她还有一个写日记的爱好:「我从不错过任何一天或任何一个条目」。她会在自己的日记簿上写些什么呢?玩家们在《异度神剑3》的游戏旅途中,又会遇到什么呢?活动:弥央的日记簿7 月 29 日至 8 月 29 日期间,欢迎大家在游戏时光网站「俱乐部 - 《异度神剑3》版块」发表自己在游玩《异度神剑3》时的所见所闻、心得感想,或是疑问难关、攻略赏析。只要在活动期间于《异度神剑3》板块发表过和本作相关的内容,就有机会赢取价值 199 港币的《异度神剑3》扩充票!名额共 5 个。简单来说,在《异度神剑3》版块发布游戏内容,你就自动获得抽奖资格了!就是这么简单。获奖名单会在 9 月 1 日公开。游玩/打通《异度神剑3》时,看到还有

The heroine "Miyang" in "Yidu sword 3" is very serious and confident in her agility. She can run 100 meters in more than 7 seconds. She also has a hobby of keeping a diary: "I never miss any day or any entry.". What will she write in her diary? What will players encounter in the game journey of "Yidu sword 3"? Activities: during the period from July 29 to August 29 in Miyang's diary, you are welcome to publish your own observations, feelings, questions and difficulties, strategies and appreciation when playing Yidu sword 3 on the game time website "Club - Yidu sword 3". As long as the content related to this work has been published in the "Yidu sword 3" section during the event, you will have the opportunity to win HK $199 worth of "Yidu sword 3" expansion tickets! There are 5 places in total. Simply put, if you publish the game content in the "Yidu sword 3" section, you will automatically be eligible for the raffle! It's that simple. The winners will be announced on September 1. When you play / get through "Yidu sword 3", you see that there are