新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年将有一款全新的GameBoy平台游戏发售


A new Gameboy platform game will be released this year

2022-07-28 10:13:59来源: 游戏时光

发行商 PixelHeart 宣布,他们开发的下一款游戏《Lost Terminal》将登陆 GameBoy 平台。是的,你没看错,一款 2022 年的 GameBoy 新游戏。《Lost Terminal》是一款以地狱为背景的平台动作游戏,冥界列车出现了一些问题,于是地狱之主派自己的儿子去看看现场发生了什么事情。根据介绍,游戏总共有 10 个关卡,拥有不同的地狱环境,以及多种玩法。这不是开发商 PixelHeart 第一次搞这种复古行为,之前他们的游戏也登陆过 Dreamcast 和 SNES 平台。目前《Lost Terminal》已经可以预购,将于 2022 年第 3 季度发售。值得注意的是,游戏的卡带仅售 500 份,如果你想入手这款游戏的话请不要错过机会。来源:NintendoLife

Publisher pixelheart announced that its next game, lost terminal, will be launched on the Gameboy platform. Yes, you are right. A new Gameboy game in 2022. Lost terminal is a platform action game with hell as the background. There were some problems with the underworld train, so the Lord of hell sent his son to see what happened on the scene. According to the introduction, the game has a total of 10 levels, with different hell environments and a variety of playing methods. This is not the first time that pixelheart, a developer, has engaged in this retro behavior. Before, their games have also logged on Dreamcast and SNES platforms. At present, lost terminal can be pre ordered and will be sold in the third quarter of 2022. It is worth noting that the cassette of the game is only sold for 500 copies. If you want to start this game, please don't miss the opportunity. Source: nintendolife

标签: 游戏