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PC历史战略网游移植安卓 《要塞:王国》明年登陆

PC history of the strategy of online games in the game: the kingdom of the next year, the kingdom will be landing

2015-08-17 12:33:57来源: TechWeb

在这个一个端游潮涌向手游的时代,无论国内还是国外的开发商都无可避免地卷入这一趋势中。。成军于2001年的老牌策略游戏工作室萤火虫(Firefly StudiOS)在当年以《要塞 Stronghold》系列一炮而红,在策略游戏阵营中占据了自己的一席之地,而斗转星移,随着移动游戏的崛起,萤火...

in the era of the end of the tour, whether domestic or foreign developers are inevitably involved in this trend.. The army in 2001 established strategy game firefly firefly StudiOS) in the year to the fortress stronghold "series of a gun and red, in the camp of strategy games occupy their own place, inexorably, with the rise of mobile gaming, firefly.

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