新关注 > 信息聚合 > CD Projekt Red老员工成立新工作室,正在开发一款忍者题材网游

CD Projekt Red老员工成立新工作室,正在开发一款忍者题材网游

CD Projekt red old employees set up a new studio and are developing a ninja themed online game

2022-07-28 11:37:06来源: 游戏时光

前 CD Projekt Red 开发者 Jakub Ben 成立了一家新的工作室,名为 Dark Passenger。该工作室的员工曾为《巫师3:狂猎》和《赛博朋克2077》等游戏做过影像方面的工作。现在他们公布了旗下的首个项目,是个忍者题材多人在线游戏。 该工作室表示:他们的第一款游戏是一个以封建日本为背景的多人在线游戏,使用虚幻引擎 5 构建,将包含合作、PvP 和 PvE 内容。它讲述了一个入侵者推翻了统治者幕府并建立新王位的故事。 Dark Passenger 在他们的官网中表示,这款日式题材的游戏将着重关注多人模式下的合作与竞争,并为玩家提供多种多样的战术选择。 &nb

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Jakub Ben, a former developer of CD Projekt red, has set up a new studio called dark passenger. The employees of the studio have worked on video for games such as wizard 3: Wild hunting and cyberpunk 2077. Now they have announced their first project, a ninja themed multiplayer online game& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The studio said: their first game is a multiplayer online game based on feudal Japan. It is built using fantasy engine 5 and will include cooperation, PVP and PvE content. It tells the story of an invader who overthrew the ruler's shogunate and established a new throne& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Dark passenger said on their official website that this Japanese themed game will focus on cooperation and competition in multiplayer mode and provide players with a variety of tactical options& amp; nbsp;& amp; nb

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