新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周一见?全网首款电视网游《格斗江湖》将现


See you on Monday? The whole network's first television net swims "fighting arena" will now

2015-02-05 16:52:04来源: 新浪

近日有消息曝出,网游将进入电视平台,经典武侠格斗网游《格斗江湖》将于下周一推出电视版! 又一个周一见?这或意味着全网首款全手柄操作的动作类电视网游巨作即将面世! 更有网友力证传言,消息传出不久,就有人爆料从某盒子上发现《格斗江湖》电视版,并为玩家附上独家截图。虽然官方还未给出确切...

recently news leaked, online games will enter the TV platform, the net swims "classical knight errant fistfight fighting arena" will be held next week launched a TV version! Another week to see? This means that the action or the whole network TV online giant first full handle operation will be available! More the netizen that rumor, news in the future, broke the news that found "Jianghu" combat TV version from a box, and attach the exclusive screenshots for the game player. Although the official has not give exact...

标签: 网游