新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英灵乱战》与《刺客信条》联动内容今日上线


The linked content of "heroes' War" and "Assassin's Creed" is online today

2022-07-28 09:55:22来源: 游戏时光

育碧宣布,免费大乱斗游戏《英灵乱战》与《刺客信条》系列游戏的联动内容已于今日上线,艾吉奥将作为全新英雄参战,艾沃尔也将作为 Brynn 的全新皮肤加入。此外,本次更新还将带来全新的游戏模式「悬赏」,以及两张佛罗伦萨主题地图等内容。视频地址更新内容详情全新英雄:艾吉奥 艾吉奥有六个敏捷迅速的专属动作攻击招式,并有「启示录」「布鲁图斯盔甲」以及「阿斯嘉德」三款皮肤可选。全新游戏模式: 每周乱斗将推出「悬赏」游戏模式,其中包括「屋顶群斗」「幽灵屋顶群斗」与「刺客乱斗」这个模式。全新地图: 两张佛罗伦萨主题地图「佛罗伦萨 屋顶」与「佛罗伦萨 阳台」其他内容:B

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Ubisoft announced that the linkage content of the free chaos game "war of heroes" and "Assassin's Creed" series has been launched today. Egio will participate in the war as a new hero, and aiwal will also join as Brynn's new skin. In addition, this update will also bring a new game mode "reward" and two Florence theme maps. Video address update content details new hero: agio & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Egio has six quick and exclusive action attack moves, and has three skin options: Apocalypse, Brutus armor and Asgard. New game mode: & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The weekly fight will launch a "reward" game mode, including "roof fight", "ghost roof fight" and "Assassin fight". New map: & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Two Florence theme maps "Florence roof" and "Florence balcony" other contents: B

标签: 刺客信条