新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刺客信条:英灵殿》中的巴黎之围:第三方视角下的历史重述


The siege of Paris in the assassin's Creed: the hall of Heroes: a historical restatement from the perspective of the third party

2021-08-13 16:34:52来源: 触乐

《巴黎之围》是《刺客信条:英灵殿》的第二个DLC,已经于8月12日正式推出,在专注主线的情况下有约8小时的可玩内容。游戏提供了不少新技能书、新装备、新劫掠点和新的反抗军等支线,还有一个和无形者旧据点有关的收集任务。在故事中,艾沃尔跨越英吉利海峡来到法兰克王国(游戏中译为法兰西),见证并尝试影响法兰克人与埃尔格林氏族维京人之间的战争冲突。 埃尔格林氏族的托卡来到雷文斯索普请求艾沃尔的帮助 法兰克是一块新地图,面积还可以 因为时间关系,很多支线我开了,已经知道怎么回事,但没有彻底打完。仅从主线剧情来说,《巴黎之围》总体上依旧维持着相当不错的质量,在玩法上有少许增添,在故事上更为紧凑,尤其是几位新人物的塑造都相当多面。 ■ 刺客感回归,战斗成分适中 《巴黎之围》的主要玩法与《英灵殿》本体相同,不过在几个主

The siege of Paris is the second DLC of Assassin's Creed: the hall of heroes. It has been officially launched on August 12. It has about 8 hours of playable content while focusing on the main line. The game provides many new skill books, new equipment, new looting points, new rebels and other branches, as well as a collection task related to the old strongholds of the invisible. In the story, aiwal crosses the English channel to the Frankish Kingdom (translated as France in the game), witnessing and trying to influence the war conflict between the Franks and the elgrin Vikings.

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