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《尼尔 自动人形》 秘密房间新进展:前作经典对白重现

New progress in the secret room of Neil's automatic human form: the recurrence of the previous classic dialogue

2022-07-28 19:22:12来源: 游戏时光

继 reddit 用户 sadfutago 日前发布两段视频,展示他在《尼尔 自动人形》的复制都市发现隐藏门,以及进入其中后遇到疑似尼尔和悠娜的角色后,今天他又放出了两段新的后续视频,透露了更多或许早就隐藏在本作中的秘密。视频地址 1在第一段视频中,sadfutago 操作 9s 再次进入了该房间,并打开了上锁的箱子,发现里面是一份游戏中已经存在的档案“特A患者记录”,内容为前作《尼尔 人工生命》中角色悠娜的病历。打开箱子后,房间内的神秘黑影开始对 sadfutago 发起进攻。这个黑影的外观非常类似《尼尔 自动人形》某条路线结尾与 9s 战斗的 Soul Box,会使出夏娃的攻击动作。sadfutago 起初表示,这场战斗太过困难,他可能需要很长时间才能战胜这个黑影。但他在本次视频中表现出的战斗技巧,相比之前

After reddit user sadfutago recently released two videos showing that he found hidden doors in the replica city of Neil's automatic human form, and encountered suspected roles of Neil and una after entering them, he released two new follow-up videos today, revealing more secrets that may have been hidden in this work. Video address 1 in the first video, sadfutago operated for 9s to enter the room again, opened the locked box, and found that there was a file "special a patient record" already existing in the game, which was the medical record of the character una in the previous work Neil artificial life. After opening the box, the mysterious shadow in the room began to attack sadfutago. The appearance of this shadow is very similar to the soul box fighting 9s at the end of a route in Neal automatic humanoid, which will use Eve's attack action. Sadfutago said at first that the battle was too difficult, and it might take him a long time to overcome the shadow. But the fighting skills he showed in this video are better than before