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About it? About! The upcoming "undefeated legend" Tanabata Romance Dating special

2015-08-18 14:09:04来源: 多玩游戏

七夕佳节即将来到,你还在忍受孤苦伶仃无依无靠的单身狗生活?你还在一个人吃面,一个人逛街,一个人玩游戏?你简直弱爆了!请大胆做爱做的事情!我们不做单身狗!《不败传说》七夕专场活动即将浪漫开幕,爱情就在这里等着你! 不败传说官网:http://bbcs.q1.com 【同城匹配浪漫一...

Tanabata Festival, you still stand lonely helpless single dog life? You are still a person to eat, a person shopping, a person playing games? You're just a weak burst! Please make love to do! We don't have a single dog! Legend of the Chinese special event is about to open the romance, love is here waiting for you! Unbeaten official website: http://bbcs.q1.com...