《征途2》年度最大型资料片将于8月21日正式开启,全新巅峰等级即将上线,9大职业高阶进化已准备就绪,无成本多修模式即将开启,更有全新劲爆高阶职业技能大招曝光。 开放巅峰等级模式,双等级并驾齐驱 巅峰等级是否是在等级满了之后再开放的新等级段呢?非也非也!《征途2》8月21日全新资料片...
"Journey 2" annual the large piece of information will be officially opened on August 21, due to the launch of a new top level, nine career high order evolution is ready, no cost to repair mode is turned on, more new explosive higher-order vocational skills ultimate exposure. Open top level model, double level to keep pace with the top level is in the class is full and open the new level segment? No no! "Journey 2" August 21st new data sheet...