新关注 > 信息聚合 > 造梦西游4鹊桥在哪里 怎么进

造梦西游4鹊桥在哪里 怎么进

4 bridge dream maker west 4 bridge where to

2015-08-18 15:54:29来源: 4399

4399造梦西游4鹊桥在哪里 造梦西游4鹊桥怎么进 造梦西游4鹊桥的进入方法如下: 1、来到须弥山,点击场景上方的七夕鹊桥 2、点击进入副本开始挑战BOSS石矶娘娘(七夕鹊桥副本限时开放,活动时间:8月18日-8月31日)

4399 dreaming journey where made dream swims on the west 4 bridge to dreaming Journey 4 magpie bridge into the method are as follows: 1, came to mount Sumeru, click on the scene on the top of the Tanabata bridge 2, click into the copy challenge boss Shi Ji empress (July 7th bridge copy open for a limited time, activity time: August 18 to August 31)