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跨服来助阵《帝国传奇》 今日不删档测试开启

Inter service to help out the legend of the Empire today does not delete files test open

2015-08-18 12:05:03来源: 4399

今日《帝国传奇》不删档测试开启,首款多人在线、即时对战的战争策略手游《帝国传奇》安卓版本今天正式上线测试! 《帝国传奇》安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399.cn/game-id-86583.html 据证实,海外版本《帝国传奇》已在欧美、东南亚等多个国家运营上线将近一年,版本...

today, "the legendary Empire" test does not delete files open, first multiplayer on-line battle strategy for the war Tour "the legend of Empire" version of the Android today formally launched the test! Download the Android version of the legend of the Empire: http://a.4399.cn/game-id-86583.html it is confirmed, the overseas version of the legend of Empire has been in Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other multi national operation line for almost a year, version...