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英雄之境巅峰对决 安黛尔开启兑换

Hero of the border showdown between the Andaier open exchange peak vs

2015-08-15 05:23:46来源: 4399

英雄之境巅峰对决,英雄之境安黛尔开启兑换 活动时间:7月31日-9月10日 活动奖励:长夜令(用来兑换安黛尔) 英雄之境星际之战巅峰对决开启!活动玩法很简单:每次对BOSS造成的伤害将计入阵营战况中,击杀敌军小喽啰可以获得长夜令。 点击进入挑战之后,不同阵营的BOSS不同。纳豆处...

hero, the hero of the environment Andaier open exchange activity time: July 31 - September 10, reward: night make (used to exchange Andaier) open the hero throughout the interstellar war showdown! Activities play is very simple: every time the boss cause damage will be included in the faction war, hit to kill the enemy little minions can obtain night make. Click to enter the challenge, the different camps of BOSS different. Natto at...