如今许多僵尸题材的影视作品不断出现在荧幕上,看来观众们对于世界被僵尸所占领,幸存者们一边杀僵尸一边上演爱恨情仇这一类戏码更感兴趣,而外星人入侵地球或者陨石撞地球的传统套路已经不再受观众们的青睐。而各大游戏厂商自然不会放过这个热门的题材,例如由Genera Mobile打造的《僵尸猎手》(...
now many zombie film and television works continue to appear on the screen, it seems the audience for world was occupied by zombies, survivors simultaneously kill zombies side staged love and hate this kind of drama more interested and alien invasion earth and meteorites hit the earth the traditional routine is no longer affected by the audience of all ages. And the major game manufacturers will not let go of this popular theme, such as the Mobile Genera to create a Zombie Hunter (...