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"Small" Warcraft classic heritage lost war games

2015-08-20 11:06:14来源: 多玩游戏

记忆中的经典,是不可磨灭的印记。《小小魔兽》致敬经典,承袭经典,特色微操多元化系统,融合经典WOW剧情,以情义为玩家带来各式惊喜。这一次,经典传承,点燃遗失的战意! 还记得南海镇和塔伦米尔么,还记得曾经的刀光剑影的日子么,想要曾经“为了部落”的嘶吼再一次回荡在你的耳边拔动你的热血么。...

memory in the classic, is an indelible mark. "It's a small world of Warcraft" to pay tribute to the classic, classic inherited, characteristics of micro diversity system, fusion of the classic story wow, to friendship for the players to bring all kinds of surprises. This time, the classical heritage, lit lost war! Also remember town in the South China Sea and tarren mill Mody, remember once the swords of days, want to have "in order to tribal" screaming again echoed in your ear pull move your blood?. ...