新关注 > 信息聚合 > 17天6场!英超将现恐怖圣诞赛程 为世界杯让路

17天6场!英超将现恐怖圣诞赛程 为世界杯让路

17 days and 6 games! The Premier League will now give way to the world cup.

2017-01-04 05:57:04来源: 新浪

利物浦在圣诞赛程疲惫不堪 不知不觉间,从圣诞节到现在,英超已在不足10天的时间内进行了将近三轮,尔后紧跟着的又是足总杯第三轮的赛事。魔鬼赛程打到今天,不少球队已渐渐吃不消,但莱因克尔表示,201...

Liverpool's Christmas schedule was so exhausted that the Premier League has been playing nearly three rounds in less than 10 days since Christmas, followed by the third round of the FA Cup. Many of the teams have been unable to cope with the devil's race, but Lineker said 201.