新关注 > 信息聚合 > Selepressin 用于感染性休克治疗的临床试验即将..

Selepressin 用于感染性休克治疗的临床试验即将..

Clinical trials of treatment of septic shock in Selepressin is..

2015-08-26 21:31:35来源: 丁香园

Ferringr 制药在 Selepressin 用于感染性休克治疗的一项 2b/3 临床试验中开始患者招募。感染性休克是一种危及生命的感染并发症,其每年在全球范围内影响数百万的人。败血症是因低血压...

Ferringr pharmaceutical in Selepressin for treatment of septic shock a 2b/3 clinical trials began patients recruited. Septic shock is a life-threatening complication that affects millions of people worldwide every year. Sepsis is due to hypotension...