新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西伯利亚发现长毛犀牛尸体 距今1万年历史

西伯利亚发现长毛犀牛尸体 距今1万年历史

Siberia found the woolly rhinoceros body 10000 years old

2015-02-28 15:35:05来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】2月28日消息,据媒体报道,近日,西伯利亚地区发现了这具长毛犀牛幼兽尸体,其历史可追溯至1万年前,虽然它是远古生物尸骸,却仍然完好保存着皮毛、耳朵、眼睛、鼻孔和嘴部,这是迄今发现的第一具长毛犀牛幼兽尸体,它被命名为“萨莎(Sasha)”。 这具长毛犀牛尸体的毛发保存完好,图...

technology hearing on February 28th news, according to media reports, recently, this with the woolly rhinoceros cub was found dead in Siberia area, its history can be traced back to 10000 years ago, although it is ancient biological remains, still preserved with fur, ears, eyes, the nose and mouth, this is the first with the woolly rhinoceros cub bodies found so far, it was named the "Sasha (Sasha)". This with the woolly rhinoceros body hair well preserved, fig....