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逆袭时间到! 《梦幻三国》今日火爆开测

Time to counter attack! "Dream of the Three Kingdoms" today's hot open test

2015-07-02 12:08:31来源: 不凡游戏网

忘记等待了多少个轮回,忘记厮杀了多少场战争,但我们却还记得和兄弟们一起并肩的日子!如果给你一次时光倒流的机会,你会选择来这里重新制霸天下吗49You首款动漫三国国战手游《梦幻三国》首次封测,今日正式开启!重走三国之旅,不重复别人的故事,新戏开演! 《梦幻三国》是一款2DMMORPG万人...

forget waiting for the number of reincarnation, forget to fight the many wars, but we can still remember and brothers together side by side with the day! If you are given a chance to turn the clock back, you will choose to come here to re tyrants the world? 49You first animation of the three countries to war Tour "illusion of the Three Kingdoms" first beta, today officially opened! Go their way, not to repeat the story of others, play on! "Dream of the Three Kingdoms" is a 2DMMORPG million people...