新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卡拉单车停摆原因披露:投资人撤资划走用户押金、创始团队借钱垫付


Carla bike lockout reason disclosure: investors pulled delimit users to borrow money, founding team paid the deposit

2017-02-21 01:10:52来源: TECH2IPO创见

今天凌晨 12 点 30 分,kala 单车(卡拉单车)团队创始人林斌发布了《卡拉单车试运营阶段概括》的文章(见文章末尾图片),披露了这一在莆田市试运营的共享单车项目暂停运营的真相。 卡拉单车团队成立于 2016 年 10 月,比北上广的共享单车项目都晚了半年以上的时间。这一团队在 12 月底拿到了第一轮融资,其中 20% 的融资额打入创始团队账户,创始团队拿着这笔钱和自己借的钱在今年元旦与自行车厂家签订了数量为 5000 辆的自行车生产合同。在 1 月 25 日,第一批 500 辆卡拉单车投放莆田;2 月 6 日春节后,167 辆单车投放市场。根据与投资人签署的协议,创...

12 a.m. in the morning today, kala bike (Carla bike) held founder team issued a "Carla bike trial operation stage summary" article (see picture) at the end of article, revealed the sharing of test operation in putian city bike project to suspend operation of the truth. Carla cycling team was established in October 2016, Shared cycling than 3 projects are late more than half a year's time. To get at the end of December, the team in the first round of financing, with 20% of the amount into the account of the founding team, founding team took the money and the money you borrowed this year New Year's day and bicycle manufacturers signed a number of 5000 of the bicycle production contract. On January 25, the first group of 500 kara bicycle on the putian; After the Spring Festival, February 6, 167 bikes on the market. According to the agreement signed with investors, gen...