新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刀锋铁骑》今日内测 新增第四职业和PVE玩法

《刀锋铁骑》今日内测 新增第四职业和PVE玩法

Blade cavalry "today" beta fourth new occupation and PVE play

2015-04-01 22:39:33来源: 新浪

刀锋铁骑 CGWR 得分 CGWR:44 位 CGWR介绍 新浪游戏讯 4月1日消息,真实冷兵器题材竞技网游《刀锋铁骑》定在了愚人节的今天开启内测,本次测试为限量删档测试,只有获得激活资格的QQ号才可进入游戏。据悉,此次测试是以战斗体验为最重要的测试部分,提供五大模式、四个职业、...

blade cavalry CGWR score CGWR:44 CGWR Sina News April 1st news, real cold weapon themes competitive gaming "blade cavalry" on April Fool's day today open beta, this test is limited to delete files test, only get the activation status of QQ before entering the game. It is reported, this test is to combat experience is the most important part of the test, five models, four occupation,...