新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4399弹弹堂S论坛活动 3000份独家礼包送不停

4399弹弹堂S论坛活动 3000份独家礼包送不停

4399 bomb bomb Hall s forum activities 3000 exclusive packs to send non-stop

2015-08-28 11:02:05来源: 4399

为了更好的回馈玩家、活跃论坛气氛,在这炎热的季节里开展我们【弹弹堂S】论坛的第一期踩楼活动,希望可以一扫这连日来的酷热。同时为了更好的了解玩家对《弹弹堂S》的看法和需求,进一步对游戏的玩法和系统进行优化,希望广大弹友们踊跃参加! 【活动内容】 只要将你在游戏内的区服和角色名以及您对游...

in order to better player feedback, active atmosphere of the forum, in this hot season to carry out we [the bomb Hall s] forum first stepped floor activities, hope can be swept away the last few days of heat. At the same time, in order to better understand the players on the "S" view and demand, to further the game play and system optimization, hope that the majority of players to participate in...