新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这是来自江干的一份爱心 辖区企业、社会居民积极..

这是来自江干的一份爱心 辖区企业、社会居民积极..

This is a love of area businesses, community residents actively..

2015-03-10 07:14:09来源: 杭州网

南肖埠社区 爱心拍卖募集善款。 中天集团志愿者发放慰问物资。 滨江集团助学支教。 春天就要到了。 在最后的严寒中,城市的东面传来一个好消息。今年,江干区“春风行动”募集资金逾千万元,暖意...

community of love from Jianggan to raise money for charity auction. Zhongtian Group volunteers issued condolences supplies. Binjiang group of student teaching. Spring is coming. At the end of the cold weather, the east of the city heard the good news. This year, Jianggan District "spring action" to raise funds more than 10 million yuan, the warmth...