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途游斗地主TUPT 湖北经视复活赛带你冲刺百万奖金

Way to swim doudizhu TUPT hubei by the apparent repechage take you sprint millions of bonus

2017-06-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

备受瞩目的2017TUPT途游扑克锦标赛四大分站赛首站将于6月18日率先在武汉打响。自5月1日武汉站线上选拔赛以来,已经有44名实力玩家通过线上PK,相继获得该站参赛资格。现在,还有4个参赛席位虚位以待,而TUPT湖北经视复活赛将成为幸运儿们的最后通道。 5月31日-6月9日,通过关注微信“途游棋牌”回复“湖北经视”获取兑换码,下载途游斗地主APP,兑换复活赛门票道具,即可进入TUPT湖北经视复活赛。6月9日通过门票道具进入复活赛,晚20:00准时开打。前四名选手将获得武汉站线下决赛资格,后六名选手则获得候补资格。 据了解,2017 TUPT途游扑克锦标赛(TuYoo Poker...

High-profile 2017 tupt way poker tournament four swimming race wins the first stop on June 18, took the lead in wuhan. Since wuhan station on May 1, online audition, has 44 strength through online players PK, successively obtained qualification. Now, there are four place vacant, via visual repechage TUPT hubei province will be lucky at the end of the passage. On May 31 - June 9, by focusing on WeChat "way to swim chess" reply "hubei" conversion code, download way fight the landlord APP, exchange repechage tickets props, to enter TUPT hubei through visual repechage. On June 9th through ticket items into the repechage, 20:00 late start on time. The top 4 players will get wuhan station offline finals, after six contestants qualification for backup. It is reported that 2017 TUPT road tour Poker tournament (TuYoo Poker...