新关注 > 信息聚合 > 危地马拉18岁少年玩《口袋妖怪》误闯民宅遭枪杀


Guatemala is 18 years old to play "Pokemon" strayed houses shot dead

2016-07-25 12:13:00来源: 环球网

【环球科技综合报道】据日本BIGLOBE News新闻网7月24日报道,以英国《每日镜报》为首的多家海外媒体近期均报道了在危地马拉发生的一起凶案,一名少年因沉迷近日热门手机游戏《Poemon GO》(《口袋妖怪》)误闯民宅不幸遭枪杀。 这位名叫Leon的少年今年18岁,和比他小一岁的...

[Global Technology Roundup] According to Japanese news network BIGLOBE News July 24 reported that the British "Daily Mirror", led by a number of overseas media have recently reported the murder occurred together in Guatemala, a teenager obsessed by the recent popular mobile game "Poemon GO" ( "Pokemon") strayed Bed unfortunate shot dead. Leon, who called the young 18-year-old, and a year younger than his ...