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我为什么不看好互通版 细数互通版弊端

Why I don't believe in each version Count each version

2016-04-30 09:28:31来源: 17173

互通版马上要出来了,各方的造势已经开始,比如最近的“异地恋梦幻情侣”活动,就是一个预热,其实年初的时候,我对互通版还是有很多期待的,感觉是梦幻的最后一根稻草。不过现在渐渐地不这么认为了,因为互通版的弊端还是太多了。 1.技术问题 这个问题其实不算太大的问题,比如信号差、来电话的时候...

Each version will come out in a second, the campaign has begun, such as the recent "lovers" LDR dream activity, is a warm, in fact, at the beginning of the year I have a lot of expectation, for each version or feelings are dream last straw. But now gradually don't think so, because of the disadvantages of each version is still too much. 1. The technical problems The problem is not too big problems, such as poor signal, call...