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赤诚之心肝胆相照 《铁血大宋》杨五郎传奇

Sincere heart sincerity "jagged song" Yang Wulang legend

2015-10-13 13:41:03来源: 17173

赤诚之心肝胆相照 《铁血大宋》杨五郎传奇 大宋长期积弱,大片领土已被敌国占去,只能苦守着剩下的半壁江山。金、辽、西夏、契丹等强国无不觊觎着大宋的河山,而大宋皇帝听信佞臣谗言,毫无收复失地之意。呜呼哀哉,眼看大宋王朝就此没落下去,无数有志之士此刻挺身而出,扶大厦之将倾,挽狂澜于既倒。他...

sincere heart sincerity "jagged song" Yang Hangoro legend song long-term and weak, large swathes of territory has been attributable to the enemy, only hard to keep the remaining half of the country. Jin, Liao, Xixia, Khitan power without coveted rivers and mountains of the song, and the song emperors believed courtier calumny. There is no recapture lost territory. Alas, see Song Dynasty decline this down, numerous people with lofty ideals at the moment to come forward, help building will pour, pull raging waves in both. He...