新关注 > 信息聚合 > Rocksteady《自杀小队》新作将于8月22日公布


ROCKSTEADY's new suicide team will be released on August 22

2020-08-07 21:12:05来源: 游戏时光

  Rocksteady 工作室宣布,将于 8 月 22 日(北京时间 8 月 23 日 1 点)的 DC Fan Dome 上正式公布《自杀小队》新作,并放出了一张先导图。  先导图可以看到超人(也有可能是超人的克隆体比扎罗)的背影,头上自杀小队的名字化作一个十字,配合文案里的「Target locked」意味着超人(或比扎罗)已经被死射锁定了。期待两周后 Rocksteady 为我们带来更多内容。 来源: RocksteadyGames

ROCKSTEADY studio announced that it would officially announce the new work of suicide team on August 22 (1:00, August 23, Beijing time) at DC fan dome, and released a pilot map. We can see the back of Superman (or bizaro, the clone of Superman). The name of the suicide team on the head is changed into a cross. With the "target locked" in the copy, it means that Superman (or bizaro) has been shot and locked. Look forward to two weeks later