新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金木水火土风雷 趣味解析剑灵全职业属性

金木水火土风雷 趣味解析剑灵全职业属性

Gold: fire, earth wind and thunder interesting analytical sword of the spirit, the professional attributes

2015-06-10 16:17:21来源: 多玩游戏

【剑士:金】 【召唤:水】 【力士:火】 【拳师:土】 【气功:风】 【灵剑:雷】 【咒术:木】 【剑士:金】 剑士作为剑灵游戏中的主T定位,手持长剑哇啦哇啦绝然而立,在主T、T的稳、boss不瞎跑、能全队保护、高伤有出血的保障下。 剑士在被计生这么久之后,依旧是剑灵游戏中...

[swordsman] [call: water] [lux: Fire] [boxer: soil] [Qigong: wind] [Lingjian: Ray] [incantation: Wood] [swordsman: Gold] swordsman as the location of the main t for the sword of the spirit of the game, handheld sword Walawala literally standing, in primary T, t steady, boss not blind run, can protect the team, high injury bleeding protection under. Swordsman after being planning for such a long time, the sword of the spirit is still in the game...