新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游族网络宣布副总经理方师恩离职


Swim family network announced that former deputy general manager Fang Shien

2015-06-03 11:37:18来源: 新浪

原游族网络副总经理方师恩 新浪科技讯 6月3日上午消息,游族网络今日发布公告宣布,副总经理方师恩因个人原因离职,辞职报告自送达公司董事会时生效。 公告称,游族网络董事会于2015年6月1日收到公司副总经理方师恩提交的书面辞职报告。方师恩辞职后不在公司担任其它职务,不会对公司的正常...

original swim family network deputy general manager Fang Shien sina science and Technology News June 3 in the morning news, tour family network announced today, deputy general manager Fang Shien resignation for personal reasons, the resignation with effect from the served on the board of directors of the company. Notice that the board of directors of the tour family in June 1, 2015 received the company's deputy general manager Fang Shien submitted a written resignation report. Fang Shien, not in the company after the resignation of other positions, will not be normal for the company...