新关注 > 信息聚合 > DOTA2全球用户突破千万 将举办大型冠军联赛

DOTA2全球用户突破千万 将举办大型冠军联赛

DOTA2 users worldwide exceeded 10 million will be held in Major League

2015-04-27 11:01:36来源: 17173

《DOTA2》开发公司Valve日前通过官方博客宣布:游戏将从今年秋天开始举办大型冠军联赛(The Dota Major Championships)。联赛将由四大赛事组成,其中最核心的国际邀请赛就是我们所熟悉的TI系列,在夏季举办,其他三大赛事则是由Valve赞助的第三方举办,赛事地点...

"DOTA2" development company Valve recently announced through the official blog: the game will begin large-scale Champions League in the fall (The Dota Major Championships). The League will consist of four events, one of the most important international invitational is what we are familiar with the TI series, in the summer, the other three major event is sponsored by Valve third party, china...

标签: DOTA