新关注 > 信息聚合 > G胖:一切都应该向PC看齐 不要各自形成壁垒

G胖:一切都应该向PC看齐 不要各自形成壁垒

G fat: everything should not each form barriers

2015-03-20 14:26:36来源: 新浪

Valve老大Gabe Newell今日放出豪言,游戏行业内的厂商应该唯PC平台马首是瞻,不要各自形成壁垒。 在GDC 2015上,Newell向媒体透露了公司最新的计划,包括Steam主机、流媒体盒子Steam Link、Steam手柄和Source 2游戏引擎,他的公司的所有这些...

Valve boss Gabe Newell today released Haoyan catch up to PC, the game within the industry manufacturers should follow sb.'s lead not only the PC platform, each forming barrier. In GDC 2015, Newell has revealed plans to the latest company to the media, including the Steam host, Steam Link, Steam streaming media box handle and Source 2 game engine, his company all these...

标签: PC