新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3Glasses受邀出席GDC 与国外VR设备同台竞艳

3Glasses受邀出席GDC 与国外VR设备同台竞艳

3Glasses was invited to attend the GDC VR device with abroad and Yan Jing

2015-03-11 22:17:58来源: 新浪

3月2日至6日,第27届年度全球游戏开发者大会(以下简称GDC)在美国旧金山召开。在本届GDC中,数款VR设备集中亮相,虚拟现实技术正在逐渐走进我们的视野,这些具备代表性的尖端设备,也许将在某一天彻底改变我们的游戏方式。值得一提的是,在这些设备中,也有来自于我们自己国家的虚拟现实力量。 ...

3 month 2 days to 6 days, the twenty-seventh annual Global Game Developers Conference (hereinafter referred to as GDC) was held in San Francisco USA. In the GDC, several VR equipment focus on appearance, virtual reality technology is gradually come into our field of vision, the representative of the sophisticated equipment, perhaps will one day revolutionize our way of game. It is worth mentioning that, in these devices, there are also virtual reality strength comes from our own country. ...

标签: VR